Smart desk - height adjust desk

Smart desk - height adjust desk

Obstacle avoiding robot Lego

Obstacle avoiding robot Lego

DIY light meter with Arduino

DIY light meter with Arduino

Inverted pendulum PID controller design

Inverted pendulum PID controller design

Outdoor fish feeder

Outdoor fish feeder

Egg plotter with Arduino and 3D print base

Egg plotter with Arduino and 3D print base

Snake game on Arduino

Snake game on Arduino

Biped robot by Arduino

Biped robot by Arduino

Mini cnc arduino plotter

Mini cnc arduino plotter

Perpetual calendar | Auto run with Arduino

Perpetual calendar | Auto run with Arduino

Vertical plotter arduino | Polargraph

Vertical plotter arduino | Polargraph

Weather station IOT with ESP32

Weather station IOT with ESP32

Automatic pet feeder arduino - 3D Printed (with stepper motor)

Automatic pet feeder arduino - 3D Printed (with stepper motor)

ESP8266 Weather Widget V2.0

ESP8266 Weather Widget V2.0

Interactive Jack-o-lantern: Use Arduino to scare your friends on Halloween

Interactive Jack-o-lantern: Use Arduino to scare your friends on Halloween

Clap light arduino | Turn on/off light with clapping

Clap light arduino | Turn on/off light with clapping

Arduino - Led lamp decoration

Arduino - Led lamp decoration

Brushless motor L298 Arduino

Brushless motor L298 Arduino

Shadow Light Box - Control by IR Remote With Arduino

Shadow Light Box - Control by IR Remote With Arduino

Temperature and Humidity Indicator by Arduino

Temperature and Humidity Indicator by Arduino
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