Automatic alcohol dispenser DIY Arduino

This arduino project will guide you how to make an Automatic alcohol dispenser. User no need touch anything to get alcohol, just come near ultrasonic sensor, alcohol will be pushed out, then an audio file will be played to inform to user should keep hand to be cleaned, meanwhile the OLED screen will display "THANK YOU!"

I hope this project will help Arduino fan can make your own an automatic alcohol dispenser to keep clean your hand in the time of fighting with COVID19
Component for the project:
2. SD card module
4. Amplifier PAM8403 & speaker
5. Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
7. Breadboard cables
10. MDF wood 3mm thickness (laser cut)
11.White glue (for MDF wood)

Code, circuit design, MDF case design, audio file:

1 comment:

  1. I would like to have a little tutorial on how to make a special foam dispenser as well. Could you please Proofreading services online guide me on that?
