Raspberry pi - qt creator install

Installation command:
apt-get install qmake-qt4
apt-get install qtcreator
After installation, open Qt Creator from  Menu:

Do some configuration:
Choose Tools >> Options...

Choose "Build & Run". At tab "Compilers" -> make setting as in following picture:
At tab "Kits" -> make setting as following picture:
Click Ok to finish configuration

Make a project and run it:
Choose "File" >> "New project...". Then choose "Applications" >> "Qt Widget Application"
Click "Choose" and "Next"... afterwards to save project.
Make a simple project at (1) -> click "Run" at (2) -> result will show as in (3)

Release project:
"Release project" means making executable file (same as *.exe file in Window) -> then it can be run dependently
(1) In "Projects" -> (2) choose "Release" -> (3) remember path 

Then rebuild all project.
Executable file will be save in path as in above picture
Go there, and run it by command: